Indian national flag wikipedia in hindi

indian national flag wikipedia in hindi
Ashoka Chakra was included in the middle of the national flag of India. The chakra intends to show that there is life in movement and death in stagnation. [ 7 ] [ 8 ] Originally, the Indian flag was based on the Swaraj flag, a flag of the Indian National Congress adopted by Mahatma Gandhi after making significant modifications to the design.

Biography of piyadasa sirisena wikipedia

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Piyadasa is a name. Notable people with the name include: Piyadasa Gunasekera (–), Sri Lankan actor; Piyadasa Ranasinghe (–), Sri Lankan political activist; Piyadasa Sirisena, Ceylonese novelist, patriot, journalist, temperance worker and independence activist; Piyadasa Wijekoon (–), Sri Lankan actor.

Sarah marshall actress wikipedia

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Sarah Marshall was born on in London, England, UK. She was an actress, known for Dave (), The Long, Hot Summer () and Star Trek (). She was married to Karl Held and Mel Bourne. She died on 18 January in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Paco ignacio taibo ii wikipedia español

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II. Taibo, az író-filozófus Paco Ignacio Taibo (–) fia, szüleivel költözött Mexikóba. Ott irodalmat, szociológiát és történelmet tanult. Mielőtt íróként felfigyeltek rá, újságíróként, szakkönyvíróként és egyetemi óraadó tanárként dolgozott.

Director james cameron biography wikipedia

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James Francis Cameron s-a născut în în Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada, fiul dnei Shirley (născută Lowe), artistă și asistentă medicală, și a dlui Phillip Cameron, inginer electric. [15] Străbunicul acestuia a emigrat din Balquhidder, Scoția, în

Santosh shukla biography wikipedia

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Santosh Shukla was a housemate on Bigg Boss 6 (Hindi). Contents. 1 Biography; 2 Player's History - Bigg Boss 6 (Hindi) Nominations History; 3 Post Bigg Boss; 4.

Suzana guxholli wikipedia

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Suzana nasceu no bairro da Freguesia do Ó, em São Paulo. [3] É filha de Geraldo Ferreira e Lúcia Alves, agricultores semianalfabetos de Cajazeiras, no sertão da Paraíba, que se mudaram para a capital paulista dois anos antes de seu nascimento fugindo da seca e foram morar na casa de parentes de favor até conseguirem estabelecer-se. [4] Suzana tem um irmão mais velho, Gerlúcio, nascido.

Pieter de crem wikipedia

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Aalter (Dutch pronunciation: ⓘ) is a municipality located between Bruges and Ghent in the Belgian province of East municipality comprises the towns of Aalter, Bellem, Lotenhulle [], Poeke [], Knesselare and Ursel [].